Kananaskis Country


Kananaskis Country Webcams

Weather conditions can vary greatly through Kananaskis Country, but to get an idea of conditions, check out one of the following Kananaskis Country webcams.

At the Nakiska Ski Resort, the various webcams give an idea of conditions year-round but are cached after dark, so you see conditions from the previous day.

view Nakiska webcam

The Alberta Motor Association has the province’s highway covered, including one that is mounted along the Trans-Canada Highway near Deadman’s Flats, although it is pointed down to the highway.

view AMA Deadman’s Flats webcam

Bragg Creek Trails Association maintains a couple of webcams at the West Bragg Creek parking lot.

view West Bragg Creek webcam

Just outside the hamlet of Bragg Creek, on the eastern edge of Kananaskis Country, Wintergreen Golf Course has a year-round webcam.

view Wintergreen Golf Course webcam