Waterton Lakes National Park


What is Waterton Lakes known for?

Our local writers describe what Waterton Lakes National Park is best known for, including wildlife, scenic drives, and hiking.

With just a few hundred residents, WATERTON TOWNSITE is a charming place, sandwiched between lake and mountains, its main street lined with interesting shops and restaurants, and wildlife inhabiting the streets.

WATERTON LAKES NATIONAL PARK WILDLIFE VIEWING is a major attraction. You may see bighorn sheep and deer right downtown, moose at Maskinonge Lake, and bears along roadways.

You’ll want to take all the WATERTON LAKES NATIONAL PARK SCENIC DRIVES, but the Akamina Parkway gets the nod as a highlight. Why? Because when you reach the end of the road, you can rent a canoe and paddle out onto magnificent Cameron Lake.

Although the CRYPT LAKE TRAIL is for fit and experienced hikers only, it is undoubtedly the most spectacular hiking trail in Waterton Lakes National Park.

WATERTON LAKES NATIONAL PARK BOAT TOURS along Waterton Lake and across the U.S. border to Montana have been the most popular activity in Waterton Lakes National Park for over 60 years—and for around $60 you can do it too.

MV International, Waterton

Waterton Lakes boat tour.