Kootenay National Park Camping
Within Kootenay National Park are three campgrounds, making camping an easy and inexpensive way to enjoy Kootenay National Park.
Campsites can be reserved through the PARKS CANADA RESERVATION SERVICE (877/737-3783) and it’s strongly recommended that you do reserve as soon as the system opens in January (see this page: Kootenay National Park camping reservations in 2024). Although a limited number of sites are available for those without reservations, they fill fast each day (especially in July and August). The official checkout time is 11 a.m., so if you don’t have a reservation, plan on arriving at your campground of choice earlier in the day than this to ensure getting a site.
Open fires are permitted in designated areas throughout all campgrounds, but you must purchase a Firewood Permit to burn wood, which is provided at no cost.
Kootenay National Park Campgrounds
Kootenay National Park’s largest camping area is REDSTREAK CAMPGROUND (late April to mid-Oct.) on a narrow plateau in the extreme southwest (vehicle access from Highway 93/95 on the south side of Radium Hot Springs township), which holds 242 sites, showers, and kitchen shelters. In summer, free slide shows and talks are presented by park naturalists five nights a week and typically feature topics such as wolves, bears, Kootenay National Park’s human history, or the effects of fire. Trails lead from the campground to the hot springs, town, and a couple of lookouts.
Kootenay National Park’s two other campgrounds lie to the north of Radium Hot Springs along Highway 93. Both offer fewer facilities (no hookups or showers). The larger of the two is MCLEOD MEADOWS CAMPGROUND (June to mid-September), beside the Kootenay River 27 kilometres (16.8 miles) from Radium Hot Springs. Facilities include flush toilets, kitchen shelters, and a fire pit and picnic table at each of the 98 sites.
MARBLE CANYON CAMPGROUND (late June to early September) across the highway from the natural attraction of the same name, offers 61 sites and similar facilities.