Canmore Festivals and Events
Canmore’s small-town pride lives on through a busy schedule of festivals and events, which are nearly always accompanied by parades of flag-waving kids, free downtown pancake breakfasts, and an evening shindig somewhere in town.
Throughout the winter months, the CANMORE NORDIC CENTRE hosts a variety of local, national, and international cross-country and biathlon races. Locals play hockey on ponds and rinks scattered throughout the valley. Things get a little more serious at home games of the CANMORE EAGLES, held at the Canmore Recreation Centre along 8th Avenue. The New Year is ushered in with PARTY ON THE POND, with skating, wagon rides, fireworks, and bonfires on and around the frozen pond beside 10th Street.
Canada Day (July 1) is celebrated with a pancake breakfast, parade, various activities in Centennial Park, and 10:30 p.m. fireworks. On the Heritage Day long weekend, the first weekend of August, the town hosts the CANMORE FOLK MUSIC FESTIVAL, which starts on Saturday and runs through Monday evening. This event, which attracts more than 14,000 fans, features national and international acts performed in Centennial Park, musical workshops, and a free pancake breakfast beside the post office on Heritage Day. The first Sunday of September is the CANMORE HIGHLAND GAMES, a day of dancing, eating, and caber tossing culminating in a spectacular and noisy parade of pipe bands throughout the grounds of Centennial Park; the event attracts more than 10,000 spectators. The grand finale is the ceilidh, a traditional Scottish celebration involving loud beer-drinking, and foot-stomping music, which takes place under a massive tent set up in the park for the occasion.
The mid-September celebration CANMORE FESTIVAL OF ARTS AND CREATIVITY is hosted at venues throughout town, including artsPLace. As the name suggests, expect lots of arts-oriented festivities, including workshops, displays, and walking tours.