Best Golden Restaurants
The Trans-Canada Hwy. through Golden is lined with the usual array of fast-food restaurants, or search out the following places below.
Start your day with the locals at the GOLDEN BAKERY (419 9th Ave., 250/344-2928, 6 am-5 pm Mon.-Sat.), where the coffee is always fresh and the faces friendly. Baked goodies include bread, pastries, cakes, and meat pies, with inexpensive daily specials displayed on a blackboard in a seated section off to the side of the main counter.
BACCHUS BOOKS & CAFE (409 9th Ave., 250/344-5600, 9 am-5 pm daily) has an upstairs café offering a breakfast and lunch menu filled with healthy, inexpensive meals, such as soups made daily and delicious sandwiches.
Constructed of rough-cut logs complete with bulging burls, the WOLF’S DEN (1105 9th St. S., 250/344-2330, 5 pm-10 pm daily) is a friendly space that is part restaurant, part pub (live music some nights). The menu features mostly steak and burgers but also offers some creative salads and vegetarian choices.
At an elevation of 2,347 metres (7,700 feet), EAGLE’S EYE is the crowning glory of Kicking Horse Mountain Resort (250/439-5425, lunch daily, dinner weekends only) and is Canada’s highest restaurant. Access is by gondola from the resort’s base village, 13 kilometres (eight miles) west of downtown Golden. As you’d expect, the views are stunning and are set off by a stylish timber-and-stonework interior, including a floor-to-ceiling fireplace and a wide wraparound deck protected from the wind by glass paneling. Dinner choices are more adventurous than lunch, but the food remains distinctly Canadian. Check out the gondola/lunch combos before purchasing your ticket, as they are a very good deal.

Eagle’s Eye Restaurant is only accessible by gondola.